Today, NLC unveiled a new awareness campaign to help bring attention to the permanent effects of impaired driving, and the impact on those left behind.
End Impaired Driving, which features a series of short videos and images that show life forever changed due to impaired driving, will be displayed in NLC Liquor Stores across the province leading up to the busy holiday season.
“Any tragedy related to alcohol or cannabis impairment is a loss. And it’s a loss that can last a lifetime for loved ones left behind, said Bruce Keating, NLC President and CEO. “The End Impaired Driving campaign is a powerful reminder to everyone that the choice to drive impaired can affect more than just yourself, and potentially in the most devastating way. We want all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in every part of the province to take responsibility and ensure a safe and happy holiday by consuming alcohol and cannabis moderately, acting responsibly, and making sure that everyone gets home safe.”
As a responsible retailer, distributor, and regulator of beverage alcohol and cannabis, NLC is committed to improving staff training, as well as providing customers with information and programs to help them make positive beverage alcohol and cannabis consumption choices. To further efforts towards public safety, NLC is proud to engage with and support community partners who work daily to prevent impaired driving, including the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police NL, and MADD Canada.
RNC Chief of Police Patrick Roche: “The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary is dedicated to removing impaired drivers from our roadways. Enforcement is an effective deterrent of impaired driving related offences, however, it is through public awareness and education campaigns like this one, that we will create a culture of safe and smart drivers, as road safety is a responsibility of us all. The RNC is committed to increasing the number of officers trained as breath technicians, drug recognition experts, and standardized field sobriety testers. With the holiday season fast approaching, there is no better time to exercise caution by planning ahead and designating a driver to ensure everyone makes it home safely.”
RCMP NL Assistant Commissioner Jennifer Ebert: “Keeping roads safe for everyone is an ongoing priority for the RCMP. Our officers see too often the devastating impacts of impaired driving with lives lost and others left with significant, life-altering injuries. Tragically, these incidents are entirely preventable. Our police officers work diligently to remove impaired drivers from our roads and highways. We welcome the End Impaired Driving campaign and its focus on highlighting the impacts of impaired driving on loved ones and families. As the holiday season approaches, I urge everyone to make responsible decisions and to think of those who share the roadway with you and those counting on their safe return home.”
Steve Sullivan, MADD Canada CEO: “As the holiday season approaches, far too many families will be missing loved ones who were killed in impaired driving crashes. Far too many people will be struggling to recover from devastating injuries suffered in impaired driving crashes. These tragic deaths and injuries are senseless and entirely preventable. MADD Canada is proud to support NLC and its partners in this campaign to End Impaired Driving.”
To learn more about NLC’s End Impaired Driving Campaign, please visit:
About NLC
NLC is a Crown Corporation of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador with responsibility through the Liquor Corporation Act and the Liquor Control Act for the importation, sale, distribution and management of beverage alcohol and cannabis, and for the delivery of programs that promote safe, responsible consumption of alcohol and cannabis. NLC is one of the largest retailers in the province, with 29 corporate retail locations. It is responsible for regulating the sale of alcohol through more than 140 Liquor Express stores, over 600 Brewer’s Agent outlets, and more than 1,400 restaurants, lounges and other licensees, as well as regulating and distributing to over 40 Licensed Cannabis Retailers across the province.